Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Elementary Interdisciplinary/Multicultural Art Lesson

Popcorn Art

An Interdisciplinary/Multicultural Art Lesson

Popcorn Legend: The Indians say that a little demon lived inside each kernel. The demon would get so mad when his house was heated up that he exploded. Students can make up other stories about why popcorn pops.

Objective: Students demonstrate the ability to create their own “popcorn story” picture using glue, construction paper, crayons, and popcorn. Students demonstrate the ability to write a descriptive story about why popcorn pops.

Introduction: Survey for prior knowledge

n Does anyone enjoy popcorn as a snack?

n Did anyone know that popcorn helped invent the microwave oven?

o Percy Spencer used popcorn as inspiration when inventing the microwave oven shortly after WWII.

n Does anyone care to guess how long people have been popping popcorn?

o The oldest ears of popcorn found were over 4,000 years old

n Although popcorn today is known as a popular snack while enjoying a movie or just hanging out, it was used in the 16th century in ceremonies held by Aztec Indians. In these ceremonies, young girls would wear popped corn as headdresses and decorative garland.

*Google Encyclopedia Popcornica: Early Popcorn History for more information

about popcorn and its history*

Activity: Students will create their own inventive popcorn story. The teacher will bring

in popcorn dyed with food coloring, as well as drawing, and pasting supplies for

students to create a picture to supplement their story.

Materials: Dyed popcorn, glue, construction paper, crayons.

Group Critique: Students will share stories, and discuss how their picture relates to it.


The Popcorn Board. Encyclopedia Popcornica. http://www.popcorn.org/encyclopedia/eppphish.cfm

Christy Bingham. The Educators Reference Desk. http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Interdisciplinary/INT0015.html

1 comment:

June Julian said...

This is a great lesson plan and biodegradable too! Do you know the artist who makes paintings out of jellybeans?